Why anonymity exists: A continuation of the consequences of Anonymity

The reason anonymity exists is because it allows for raw and unfiltered discourse. For example, marginalized groups are allowed to advocate without the immediate threat of persecution. To be able to conversate without being associated with that speech is an intense concept that is universally valued. Before the internet people were able to anonymously write or publish works which suggests that it is ingrained in human nature to seek a less intimidating narrative to express interests. It serves to protect against oppressive or exploitative forces against the expressed values. It may allow for social reform as ideas can be freely expressed without direct communication. The psychological cues that are unavoidable when outwardly expressing certain ideas in different contexts. There is no preemptive judgment as the message is fueled by cognitive dissonance. A nuance to online anonymity is that users are able to post and never come back. The boundaries between personal involvement and being excused from the consequences of anonymous speech is blurred. 

A nuanced perspective: Investigating the Consequences of Anonymity

The ability to conceal your identity by anonymously utilizing the web is a strange concept modern society is struggling to grasp. The separation between a person and their internet persona may vary. Some are soft spoken in their day to day life, but highly opinionated online with an anonymous internet persona. In contrast others are socially motivated and their online presence is an extension of their identity. Whatever the case is, the ability to be anonymous and partake in anonymous speech is an unregulated aspect to society. Considered to be an extension of freedom of speech, identities are able to be concealed. The conventionalities of the human condition are apparent when the reactions to behaviors induced by anonymous actions occur. 

There are billions of users on various online platforms making it difficult for moderation of content. Anonymity is what protects the identity of users to ensure the sanctity of free speech, however on a political level it has been challenged by policy decisions. Laws, rules, and social norms apply to users’ communication as their livelihoods may be at stake. The separation between identities is less intimidating as there is no preemptive judgment. Feedback is not immediate so it gives the illusion that the interaction was not serious. Toxic behaviors may manifest through cyber bullying, trolling, harassment, and poor communication. However, taking away the ability to be anonymous online may not solve the problems it creates.